Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I'm not going to read this book -- does anyone want it?

The title of the book is The Listeners, by Leni Zumas. It's autographed, from Powell's Indiespensable collection, and I'm not going to read it. Not my thing, but it might be yours. First comment with contact info takes it.

It didn't come with a dustjacket (it's a special hardcover edition) and I've never read's brand spankin' new. 


  1. Yes, please!


  2. Interesting cover -- I'll have to see what it's about as I'm kind of a sucker for sea creatures...

    1. Oh, me too! I'm sure it's a good book, but I'm running out of space. I just spent all morning listing books on Paperback swap (old mysteries, etc) trying to clear up room. I need a bigger house, you know, one with an entire library wing. -- as if. --


I don't care what you say about what I write, but do be nice. Thanks!